Religious Education

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At St Jude’s RE is a core subject in all phases, including the Early Years, and is at the heart of our Christian distinctiveness as a school.

We ensure that our children learn about religion and learn from religion, enabling them to own and deepen their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Our RE curriculum gives children a strong understanding of the role religion plays in our local community, making learning purposeful and relevant.

Through this, children gain a valuable understanding of how religion shapes local and worldwide culture.

As a Church of England school, the children develop a strong foundation of the Christian faith.

Children learn about the Christian message and are given opportunities to reflect on and discuss the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.

This enables the children to apply their understanding of Christianity to make reasoned and informed responses to life issues and moral choices.

We aspire for all of our children to be able to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences and communicate their ideas about faith and truth.

Through our curriculum, children are also given the opportunity to engage with other principal world faiths, applying an understanding of religion to develop informed respect, empathy and sensitivity towards all people.

We aspire for our children to understand how and why people worship in the way they do.

In RE, we are clear that Intent is the knowledge and skills the children acquire in our curriculum, which builds towards clearly defined end points.

For more information on how our RE Curriculum is planned and taught across the year groups, please click on the following links:


Knowledge Organisers