Our Collective Worship

    • Collective Worship forms a valued part of each day at St Jude’s. Our Christian Values are at the core of worship: each value is explored through The Bible, story, drama, song, prayer and children’s work.
    • Collective Worship includes all children from Reception up to Year 6 and children with Special Educational Needs are supported to participate within collective worship.
    • Our Faith Group play an instrumental role in our Collective Worship across the year.
    • Representatives from St Matthew’s Church and Herne Hill Baptists Church regularly lead Collective Worship in school. Collective Worship is also punctuated by inspirational visitors. You can find examples of this in our weekly newsletter!
    • Personal prayer and reflection form an important part of Collective Worship and throughout the day.
      – Every classroom has a ‘Reflection Area’ where children and staff can be peaceful and calm.
      – Children pray at regular times during the day (during Collective Worship together in the hall,
      before their lunch and at the end of the day).

    You can view our Collective Worship Policy

    Our School Prayer:

    Dear God, This is our school.
    We are inspired by each other. Please help us to celebrate one another’s successes.
    We work well together. Thank you for the chance to succeed on our own and as a team.
    When our work is challenging, or times are tricky, help us to be resilient and not give up.
    Guide us to be there for each other, to have empathy and be kind.
    Help us to be ready for today, and prepared for tomorrow.
    In your name we pray,