School Trips and Educational Visits

As a school, we value and know the impact effective educational visits can have on a child’s attainment and progress, as well as their wider personal development.

We aim to ensure every class goes on an educational visit every half term. Where possible and appropriate, we make sure that the trip occurs at the beginning of a new unit of study.

By doing this, children participate in a shared experience and which can then be built on back in the classroom.

The educational visit lays the foundations for future learning. Educational visits are therefore linked to an area of learning for each class and are a valuable way to enhance knowledge and understanding of a unit of learning.

The aim of all educational visits is to supplement and enhance the curriculum providing pupils with real life, memorable experiences.

Educational visits also seek to enhance pupils’ cultural capital, whilst also preparing them for when they leave primary school.

It is an integral part of our approach to furthering our pupils’ education and personal growth.

For more information about how School Trips and Educational Visits are organised, please see our Educational Visits Policy