​Phased Return for Years 2, 3, 4 and 5

Friday 19th June 2020

​Dear parents and carers

I hope that you are well and have been able to make the most of the lock down measures reducing slightly.As many of you know, we have welcomed back most children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 this week andthe children are settled and getting used to the new routines.

We celebrate another exceptional week where we have been blessed with good health, with all staff continuing to support children and families each day.

Our school newsletter shares photos of children enjoying lessons at a social distance – we have all discoveredmany new learning opportunities!

As a team, we have carefully planned how we can invite more children back into school, and I have attachedan overview of this offer for your information.

The government have shared their desire for more year groups to be in school, but it is not compulsory for schools to offer this additional provision at this point in time. 

Schools are being encouraged to plan for further year groups where it is possible. Logistically it ischallenging for schools as we must consider the space we have and the staff available because children mustremain in a ‘15 group bubble.’

We know how important it is for the children to see their teachers and friends before the summer holiday so we have thought about how we can make this happen safely.

I am attaching the plan for the return of the remaining year groups. This will commence on Monday 29th June, and will continue weekly for the remaining 3 weeks of the summer term.

Key headlines that we have had to consider:

  • ​This plan relies on the classteachers in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 teaching their class only. Thisreleases the remaining classteachers in years 2, 3, 4, and 5 to begin teaching their own classes.
  • The classes will be split into groups A and B – this will be decided upon by the classteachers (and willinclude key worker children) this will be shared with you next week. We will do our best to considersiblings so that children in the same family attend on the same day, to help parents with workcommitments.
  •  Group A and B will remain the same for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.
  • The classteachers in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 have increased teaching commitments – to 4 days aweek, so please bear in mind that the on line learning provision in those year groups will reduce ormay look different. This is to help support with teacher workload. Those classes however, will enjoytwo days of interaction with their classteacher and their ‘bubble’ of friends.
  • The key worker group will continue, and you have a choice for your child to join their year group ORstay in the key worker group to suit your shift patterns. Once you have made this decision, it will notbe possible to switch back. A form will be circulated for you to indicate your preference.
  • Children must bring in a packed lunch for each day that they are in and will eat their lunch in theclassrooms. It is not possible to have this many children in school and remain socially distanced in thehall. Free School Meal children will receive vouchers and we continue to receive the breakfast boxeswhich families are welcome to collect from school.
  • The lunch times will be reduced, with a shorter amount of time out in the playground. There will stillbe outside learning activities happening in the space available during lesson time.
  • The deep clean on a Wednesday will continue as keeping all surfaces clean remains a priority, cleanersremain on split shifts with regular cleaning throughout each day.
  • The school day will begin at 9.30am for years 2, 3, 4, and 5 and finish at 2.45pm. This allows for thestaggered starts and drop off with the other year groups to stay the same. The staggered starts anddrop offs for KW, Reception, 1 and 6 will remain the same. It is essential that children are dropped offand picked up on time by only one parent.
  • Children must wear either their summer/winter uniform or their PE kit. There is more flexibility as Irealise children will have started to grow out of some items. It is important, however that childrenremain in uniform. There will be an opportunity before the end of term to pick up lost property.
  • The book exchange will continue on Wednesdays.
  • The final day for children attending school will be Friday 17th July. As a school, we need the remaining days to plan for September – with whatever government guidance we have received by then.

Some of you may be thinking about summer holiday provision. KG Doodles will be providing a Summer Holiday Camp at St Jude’s. Eboney Clarke will be circulating a survey to gauge interest, and there will be more information to follow. I would like to continue to offer summer holiday support for parents and the KG Doodles team are committed to providing childcare for you.

I hope this information is helpful, if you have any questions, do get in touch. There will be a form to complete for the key worker group to follow, as well as the group A and B lists. We will assume that children will attend – unless parents get in touch via email to decline the offer. It is not compulsory for children to attend, and it remains parent choice. We look forward to welcoming more children back into school in the coming weeks.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,


Miss New
