Frequently Asked Questions for Parents Regarding the Reopening in September 2020
1. Will it be mandatory for my child to attend school in September?
The government have stated that all children must attend school in September. The usual rules on school attendance will apply.
2. What is the advice to parents of children who are shielding or self isolating?
A small number of children may be unable to attend school in line with public health advice because they are self isolating, or who have symptoms, or have tested positive for COVID 19.
Shielding advice for children and adults will pause on 1st August – subject to a decline in the rates of community transmission of COVID 19.
A few children may be unable to attend school because they are complying with clinical/public health advice, so weask parents to inform us if this is the case.
3. What happens if there is a suspected case in the school?
The school will be following the relevant guidelines; this will include the individual being tested and thenisolating for 7 days, if necessary.
If a child shows symptoms, we will contact parents immediately and the child will be placed in our medical room ready to be collected.
Please make sure all your emergency contact details are up to date.
4. What will be the cleaning arrangements?
Cleaning stations in each classroom will remain, with surfaces being cleaned throughout the day. Children will wash their hands on arrival into school, before and after break and lunchtimes. The cleaning team will continue with cleaning the toilets throughout the day. If children move to a different room, a member of staff will wipe down surfaces before the group leaves.
5. How will the school day be organised in September?
All children will be back in their whole class bubble. There will be staggered starts and drop offs, using the two entrances. Please see the attached plan for the details on this. There will be the usual teaching time, morning breaks,a slightly shortened lunchtime and the afternoon session; which will include time for class collective worship. As partof transition, the younger groups may have an afternoon learning break, if the classteacher feels that it will bebeneficial.
6. How will lunchtimes be organised?
Children must remain in their class bubble, so they will eat their lunch in their classrooms. The catering company will prepare packed lunches.
Lunchtimes will be staggered, all classes will have time outside in the playground, and when necessary the playground will be zoned for two classes to share the space.
Lunchtime equipment will be available butwill be cleaned after each use.
7. What are the guidelines for social distancing in the classroom?
Wherever possible adults will remain 2 metres apart. Children who are old enough will be encouraged to maintain distance and not touch staff or peers.
Children can be seated side by side and facing forwards. Classrooms have beencleared of unnecessary furniture.
8. What preparations has the school made in the event of another lockdown if the R number increases in Lambeth?
As soon as we return to school, children will be regularly using the Google platform, this will include making use of the Google Classroom facility so that they are used to accessing it if on line home learning is needed.
The online homelearning offer will include a combination of PowerPoints and some google classroom lessons. The classteachers willbe setting homework activities onto Google Classroom so that parents and children become familiar with this facility.
For families with no access to digital devices, we will prepare paper packs. There are a limited number of laptops available for loan through the Connected Learning Centre.
I am happy to meet with parents to discuss this offer of support.
9. What preparations is the school making for supporting children who may have fallen behind duringschool closure?
Class teachers will be carrying out informal assessments through observations and quizzes when we return to establish gaps. They will then plan lessons accordingly.
The DFE have released additional subject specific guidance aimed atsupporting teachers in their planning to ensure learning gaps are filled.
If children need additional support, then asmall number of interventions may be arranged. We expect that the vast majority of children will catch up andprogress well as part of the excellent whole class teaching provision at St Jude’s.
10. Will the curriculum offer change?
We will continue to offer our broad and balanced curriculum, covering all subjects. Singing is not permitted inside, somusic and collective worship provision will be adjusted to follow the guidelines.
We will avoid using the hall for PE,so these lessons will be held outside or in Brockwell Park as much as possible.
Teaching time may be prioritised to address significant gaps in pupil’s knowledge, at the discretion of the classteacher,with the aim of returning to the schools normal curriculum content by summer 2021.
11. What catch up programmes have been arranged?
Schools will be receiving some additional funding to support children who need it most. When children have returnedto school and assessments have been made, we will be in a position to know how best to use this funding.The National Tutoring Programme will be launched to support the pupil premium children with ‘closing the gap’. Weare waiting further details of this at present.
12. Will St Jude’s be offering after school clubs?
It is not mandatory for schools to offer additional after school provision. However, we know how important this additional childcare is to parents, so we have decided to offer a limited number of clubs. Children will remain in their year group for their club. We have had to consider the starting times for clubs in line with the staggered finishing times of lessons. A plan for this will be sent out to you before the holidays.
13. Will KG Doodles offer breakfast and 6 O’clock Club?
Yes, the offer will be limited, and again children will remain in their class year groups. Parents will receiveinformation separately from Eboney Clarke before the holidays.