At St Jude’s we have a passion for high quality teaching and learning of mathematics. We believe that every child can success in maths and we aim to instill that belief in themselves.
The principles of Teaching for Mastery are used consistently throughout the school.
A whole class teaching approach is adopted, keeping the class working together, with no acceleration to new content.
This is to avoid superficial, surface learning and foster a deep, secure understanding of all the concepts taught.
The learning needs of every child are addressed through skilful questioning and appropriate, immediate intervention – this provides the necessary scaffolding or challenge for all.
As school we also value the importance of oracy and communication and language for supporting a child’s mathematical development.
Extensive opportunities are given for children to talk about mathematical concepts, critique and reason with their peers, and orally reharse their thinking before applying it independently in lessons.
Our school has invested in high quality manipulatives (physical objects – for example counters, bead strings, Numicon) to carefully expose mathematical concepts and provide the children with physical representations to support their learning.
In Mathematics, we are clear that Intent is the knowledge and skills the children acquire in our curriculum, which builds towards clearly defined end points.
For more information on how our Maths Curriculum is planned and taught across the year groups, please click on the following links: