Parent Representatives & Coffee Morning

At St Jude’s we have a small group of parents, called Parent Reps. The role of class rep is to act as a bridge between the parents/carers from each class and the parents coffee group, and to complement the work done by the newly formed PTA.

The idea is that through the reps, parents can present their thoughts and suggestions even if they can’t attend the coffee morning/afternoon due to other commitments.

It is also the role of reps to circulate news about events and activities such as parent social evenings, Summer Fair, Valentine Disco, International Evening. Around these times reps will be seen roaming the playground vigorously encouraging fundraising and volunteering!

Teaching staff may also use class reps to communicate schemes such as parent participation, workshops and skills sharing.

If you have any thoughts or ideas you would like to put forward, feel free to come along to our coffee morning for a chat, coffee & croissants or contact one of our Parent Reps at: