Class 5/6

Teacher – Alison Kyei-Baffour
TA support: Alicia Collymore-Igbonoba and Tre Johnson

Welcome to Class 5/6!

We are a tight-knit class who work well together and are always enthusiastic about our learning.
Each day we study reading, maths and English and where possible we try to link these with our other topics.

This year our topics are: Crime and Punishment; Inspiration and Activism; Amazing Americas; Legends, Folklore and Fairytales; Early Civilisations; and Our Wonderful World.

Class 5/6 is an important year for some of us as Year 6 will do the end of Key Stage tests – these will be in reading, mathematics and GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling).

During the year we will work really hard and always try our best. Most importantly, we will believe in ourselves and stay positive – we are going to do brilliantly!

Each day we study reading, maths and English and where possible we try to create links across our learning. To support and continue our learning at home, we receive Home Learning tasks on a

Thursday and hand it back in electronically on Tuesday, via Google Classroom.

We value reading so much in our school and enjoy reading our class novel daily. We can choose a book from our classroom library and we also bring in our reading record everyday to be marked for a chance to go to the half-termly reading party.

Our curriculum is broad and balanced including weekly science, art and design, design and technology, Spanish, humanities, RE, PE, PSHE, computing, and music. We love our weekly steel pan lessons with a steel pan tutor too!

At the end of the year, we amaze our school community with our annual production which is always a creative feast! What will it be this year…?