School Council
The School Council at St Jude’s are pivotal in helping to make decisions, based on the views of the children in our classes. We meet regularly with Mr Ellis to talk about important issues that have been raised by children, or recent developments in our school that need to be discussed.
- This year we plan to support whole school assemblies and collective worships
- We have helped to transform Golden Time into Values Time, thinking about the views of children in our class
- We will be meeting with School Councils from other schools to discuss the local area to further develop our ‘Windmill Cluster Environment Charter’
- We will be working with the new Curriculum Steering Group to help decide which topic to study in the summer term
- We will be completing our School Council books and filling them with ideas from our meetings
- We also look forward to meeting our school governors to share our successes and to find out more about what governors do to support our school.
We are always ready to listen to your views – please come and talk to us so that we can make St Jude’s even better!